The Descendants of

Thomas Lincoln, the husbandman

Allan Hubert Lincoln

Birth: 08-Jan-1891, Scotia, Nebraska
Death:   02-Sep-1980, North Platte, Nebraska
Marriage:   24-Nov-1915 to Ila Matilda Martin
Paternal Lineage

With wife Ila Matilda Martin:


Allan Hubert Lincoln married Ila Matilda Martin when he was 24 and she was 23.  She was born 19-Jul-1892 in Dorchester, Nebraska (a town about 15 mile southwest of Lincoln, Nebraska) and they married in Scottsbluff, Nebraska (a town about 10 miles west of Bayard).  Allan had his own homestead near Bayard, and lived there at times before he married.  When his father moved into the town of Bayard in 1916, Allan and Ila moved onto his father's homestead and stayed there until 1938.  All their children were born on this homestead, located just northeast of Bayard.

Allan farmed for several years near Bayard.  This was irrigated territory, receiving water from  a large lake about 15 miles northwest of their farm (probably Lake Mintare).  His main crop was sugar beets, but he also grew corn, oats, barley, and alfalfa.  He also raised cattle, hogs, and chickens.  Ila would go to town once a week selling eggs and cream and buying flour and sugar.  She also raised a garden of sweet corn, vegetables, potatoes, and canned the vegetables, tomatoes, and plum jelly.

After several years of hard labor in Bayard, Allan and Ila moved southeast to Wallace, Nebraska, where they grew wheat and corn, and where there was no irrigation.  They stayed there for 20 years, and then Allan retired from farming and they moved to North Platte, Nebraska in 1958 (Allan was 67 and Ila 66) and built a new home.  Allan died of complications of atherosclerosis in 1980 at the age of 89.  Ila died of a heart attack in North Platte six years later on 24-Jun-1986, just one month short of her 94th birthday.  Both are buried in the Bayard Cemetery.

The family notes of Allan Lincoln are shown on the side, and are notes of his memories of his ancestry.  Although they provide documentation of several birth and death dates of many Lincolns, there are some occational inaccuracies.  On page 2, he states Martha Lincoln was Warren Lincoln's mother - Martha Lincoln was Warren Lincoln's sister, and Warren's mother was Izetta Stephenson, as stated at the top of page 2.  I cannot figure out who the "Jane" is referenced on page 3.  It is interesting to note Allan documents the migration of three families from Maine to Wisconsin - the Lincolns, the Sutherlands, and the Smiths.  Marriages occurred between families, and a reunion of the migrating families was held in 1929 in Belmont, Wisconsin (see the entry on Warren Lincoln).  His references to the Sutherlands on page 4 is also somewhat inaccurate.  The "Hannah" he references is Hannah Stephenson Sutherland, Warren's wife's sister (Warren's wife was Izetta Stephenson), and so Hannah would be Allan's father's aunt (Allan's father was Robert, so Robert's mother was Izetta).  This Hannah had several daughters - Hannah, Phoebe, Leah, and Nancy (not Mary as stated in in the notes).  This is all referenced in a remarkable web site from the Portage County Historical Society of Wisconsin Online Archives (see  The "Warren" referenced on page 5 of Allan's notes is the son of Elmer Ellsworth Lincoln, Allan's father's brother (see the children of Warren Lincoln, Allan's grandfather).

Map of Nebraska

Documentation is from:

  1. Personal family records especially from Robert Martin Lincoln, son of Allan and Ila Lincoln.
  2. Portage County Historical Society of Wisconsin Online Archives.
  3. United States Federal Census.
  4. WW I Draft Registration Card from the National Archives via



Allan and Ila Lincoln (around 1915  wedding)

Allan and Ila Lincoln, around 1915 wedding

Allan and Ila Lincoln, around 50th wedding anniversary

Allan and Ila Lincoln, around 50th wedding anniversary 

Ila Martin Lincoln (June 1985 at age 92)

Ila Martin Lincoln, June 1985 at age 92 

US Census - Bayard, NE 1930

US Census - Bayard, NE 1930

WWI Draft Registration Cards - Allan Lincoln

WWI Draft Registration Cards - Allan Lincoln

Family Notes - Allan Lincoln, page 1

Family Notes - Allan Lincoln, page 1

Family Notes - Allan Lincoln, page 2

Family Notes - Allan Lincoln, page 2

Family Notes - Allan Lincoln, page 3

Family Notes - Allan Lincoln, page 3

Family Notes - Allan Lincoln, page 4

Family Notes - Allan Lincoln, page 4

Family Notes - Allan Lincoln, page 5

Family Notes - Allan Lincoln, page 5

Headstone - Allan, Ila, Irene, and Louise Lincoln

Headstone - Allan, Ila, Irene, and Louise Lincoln